Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the australian notary

yesterday i had to get something notarized for insurance, and found out the main place to get things notarized is the justice of the peace in the brisbane courthouse. i get to the courthouse, fully intimidated with the thought of having to deal with 'the justice of the peace' and even more so when i have to pass through metal detectors to get there. step 1 of relief and amusement comes when i set off the metal detectors and the security guard says 'dont worry, they do that to me too' and lets me proceed without searching me. step 2 when i see there is no line for the justice of peace and step 3 when i realize its not one guy in a powdered wig, but just an office. the best part of my trip comes when i discuss what i need with the guy at the counter - i tell him i need the paper i had notarized and hand it to him, at first he says that he doesnt think he can notarize it without proof that i have the insurance policy that im claiming on the paper i have. i tell him they just want proof that its me who signed the document, and he goes, 'oh well, ok then' and stamps and signs the paper, handing it back to me without me even signing it or checking my ID. i decide not to press the matter (and sign it later myself) and as im walking away he calls after me and says, 'you know, this might look more official if you sign it too'

hahahaha the australian government at its finest


  1. hahaha, that's really really funny. oh my. :)

  2. Hi Michelle,

    I'm a notary public in London (www.mdpryke-notary.com) and this has made me laugh all afternoon. Thank you!

